There are many excursions you can do from Puerto Pollensa. We recommend to you NoFrills Excursions that offers value for money experiences.
They have a wide range of excursions to cater different types of clients and activities: boat trips, water parks, sightseeing tours…
We have found that based on a lot of positive TripAdvisor reviews and feedback from clients, these excursions are some of the more popular ones and ones we definitely recommend:
The Island Tour, with train, tram, boat and bus
Caves of Drach half day tour
Valldemossa, Soller and Port Soller with tram and bus
Express trip, Soller Train & Soller Tram
Also, as an extra advantage: they have several offices in the NORTH OF MALLORCA, and if you mention this blog; you will have a 5% discount on any of our trips!!
Note: This voucher is only valid at their offices. See below where the offices are.
At the offices you will find the official staff.
View Nofrills Excursions Office in a larger map